xenv - expand shell variables and commands in input files


xenv [-hmnrsuvx?] [-e NAME] [-D NAME[=VALUE]] [-p COMMAND] [-t SECONDS] [-U NAME] [-W [no-]FEATURE] [FILE...]


Reads input from FILEs (or the standard input, if none are supplied) and prints it on the standard output, expanding references to environment variables with their actual values and substituting shell commands with the output they produce.

Variable expansion
A variable reference is one of the following constructs:


Expands to the value of the variable NAME, or to an empty string, if it is unset.


Same as above.

The following forms are conditional expressions, that cause xenv to test for a variable that is unset or null and act accordingly. Omitting the colon results in a test only for a variable that is unset.

Use Default Values. If variable is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of variable is substituted.


Assign Default Values. If variable is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to variable. The value of variable is then substituted.


Display Error if Null or Unset. If variable is null or unset, the expansion of word (or a message to that effect if word is not present) is output to standard error. Otherwise, the value of variable is substituted.


Use Alternate Value. If variable is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.


Ternary operator. Unless variable is null or unset, substitutes the expansion of word1, otherwise the expansion of word2.

The above notation is consistent with the POSIX shell, except for the ${variable:|word1|word2} form, which is an extension of xenv.

In the above expansion forms the word part can contain variable expansions, command substitutions, single and double-quoted parts. The latter two are handled exactly as in Bourne shell: the quotes are removed, the text between double quotes is subject to variable expansion and command substitution, whereas the test between single quotes is not. Within double quoted part, a backslash can be used to escape the indirection character ($), double and single quote character and itself.

Command substitution
A construct $(command) is replaced with the output of command. Xenv performs substitution by running $SHELL -c command and replacing the construct with the standard output of the command, with any trailing newlines removed. If the SHELL variable is not set, the default /bin/sh is assumed.

command is passed to the shell verbatim. This means, in particular, that variable references in the command are expanded by shell, rather than by xenv and, as a consequence, that the options -u and -r don’t work for command substitutions. The sequences $[...] and ${*...*} lose their special meaning as well.

Nested command substitutions are processed by the shell.

The -t N option sets the maximum time a command substitution is allowed to run. If the command runs longer than N seconds, it is terminated and a diagnostic message to that effect is printed on the standard error.

Command substitution can be disabled using the -Wno-command option.

Comments are multiline. They are introduced with the characters ${* and extend up to the nearest pair of characters *}. Comments are removed from the input.

Comments can be disabled using the -Wno-comment option.

Quoting and escaping
To deprive the $ character of its special meaning, precede it with a backslash. For example:


Backslash followed by another backslash is replaced by single backslash. Backslash followed by any other character is reproduced verbatim.

To turn off this feature, use the -Wno-escape option.

To reproduce a portion of text verbatim, enclose it in $[ and ]. This has the same effect as the $$verbatim directive described below, except that it allows the verbatim portion to appear within a line.

Newlines and balanced square brackets are allowed within the $[ ... ] construct.

Special meaning of the $[...] construct can be disabled by the -Wno-quote option.

Environment meta-variable
Environment meta-variable makes variable indirections more visible. Use it if your input text can contain considerable number of indirection characters ($s) that can be falsely identified as variable references. The meta-variable is defined using the -e option:

xenv -e ENV

Once you define it, variable reference syntax becomes $ENV{NAME}, instead of just $NAME. Tests for variable that is unset or null are modified accordingly. Thus, e.g. $ENV{NAME:-text} substitutes "text" if the variable NAME is unset or null. The constructs for command substitution, verbatim quotations and comments become $ENV(...), $ENV[...], and $ENV{* ... *}, correspondingly.

Any sequence of characters can be used to name the meta-variable, provided that it is a valid variable name.

Preprocessor directives
The two $ characters appearing at the beginning of line (with optional preceding whitespace) introduce special preprocessor directives.

Preprocessor directives can be disabled using the -Wno-directive option.

The constructs

$$source FILE

cause FILE to be read and processed at the current point. When the end of the file is reached, input is resumed from the previous input file.

Unless FILE is an absolute file name, it will be searched in the include search path. This path, initially empty, is initialized by -I command line options. The argument of each -I option is appended to the include search path.

If the FILE cannot be processed, xenv reports an error and exits. The exit code is 66, if the file does not exist and cannot be found in the include file path, 77, if the program is denied permission to open it, and 72 if another error occurred. If an attempt of recursive inclusion is detected, the program reports the fact and exits with the code 69.

The construct

$$sinclude FILE

is similar to $$include, except that if the file is not found, it silently ignores the fact.


Diversions are a way of directing output to a temporary storage and inserting it (undiverting) into the main output stream again, at a later time. Temporary storage used for each diversion is identified by a unique identifier assigned to it when a diversion is declared.

A diversion is started by the $$divert directive:

$$divert NAME

The NAME gives the identifier of a temporary storage to divert output to. If this diversion does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, output will be appended to it. If NAME is omitted, initial output file is restored.

The output is appended to that diversion until the next $$divert directive or end of input, whichever happens first. The collected text can be inserted anyplace by using the $$undivert directive:

$$undivert NAME

Undiverting the collected text does not discard it: you can use $$undivert multiple times to insert the same text again and again. To actually destroy the diversion and free the resources associated with it, use this directive:

$$dropdivert NAME

After dropping a diversion, attempts to undivert from it result in error. You can however recreate the dropped diversion from scratch using the $$divert directive.

Verbatim block

The following construct introduces verbatim text block:



It expands to TEXT unchanged. To insert verbatim text in a line, use the $[ ... ] construct (see Quoting and escaping, above).

The following conditional directives expand to a given fragment of text depending on whether an environment variable is defined.
Expand if defined

The construct

$$ifdef NAME




is replaced with the expansion of TEXT1 if the environment variable NAME is defined (including if it has a null value) and to TEXT2 otherwise.

If the construct begins with $$ifndef, the sense is inverted.

Expand if set

The construct

$$ifset NAME




is replaced with the expansion of TEXT1 if the environment variable NAME is set and has a non-null value and to TEXT2 otherwise.

If the construct begins with $$ifnset, the sense is inverted.

Expand if true

The following construct substitutes TEXT1 if the variable NAME evaluates to 1 (boolean true) and substitutes TEXT2 otherwise:

$$iftrue NAME




Expand if false

The following construct substitutes TEXT1 if the variable NAME evaluates to 0 (boolean false) and substitutes TEXT2 otherwise:

$$iffalse NAME




In the context of $$iftrue and iffalse, a variable that is unset is considered to evaluate to false. Textual values for false and true are configurable via the -Wbooleans option. If NAME does not evaluate to a valid boolean value, an error is reported and both constructs substitute TEXT2.

In the conditional constructs above, the $$else part is optional.

Optional whitespace is allowed between the beginning of the line and the $$ marker, as well as between it and the keyword. This allows for indenting the nested constructs in a more natural way, e.g.:

$$ifdef LOG_HOST
$$ ifdef LOG_PORT
$$ else
logger $LOG_HOST
$$ endif


This directive causes to report a fatal error at the current location. Rest of the line following the whitespace after $$error is used as the error message. Notice, that there’s no need to quote the message.

$$warning TEXT

Similar to $$error, but reports a warning and does not alter exit status.

$$exit N

Causes immediate exit. Status code N is returned to the shell. If used without argument, exit code is determined by usual rules.

Two looping directives are provided.
Foreach loop

$$loop VAR ARGS...


Current value of the environment variable VAR is stashed away. The arguments (ARGS...) are subject to all normal expansions. Words obtained as a result of expansions are assigned to VAR sequentially. After each assignment, BODY is expanded. When all expanded words have been iterated over, initial value of VAR is restored.

For example, the following text:

$$loop X A B C
This is $X

expands to:

This is A
This is B
This is C

For loop



Current value of the environment variable VAR is stashed away. and it is assigned the expansion of START, which must be an integer value. BODY is expanded and VAR is incremented by the expansion of NCR until its value becomes greater than the expansion of STOP.

When iteration is over, original value of VAR is restored.

If INCR is omitted, it defaults to +1 if STOP is greater than START and to -1 otherwise.

For example

$$range X 1 4
Number $X

produces the following expansion:

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4

Evaluation blocks
An eval block introduces a portion of text that will be expanded twice, thus allowing for creation of variable names and expanding them on the fly.

The $$eval directive marks start of the text that should be evaluated after expansion. The end is marked with $$end. The text between $$eval and $$end is read and expanded, and then processed again. It is that second pass that creates output.

As an example, the following loop considers environment variables VAR_0 through VAR_7 and prints those of them that are defined:

$$range I 0 7
\$\$ifset VAR_$I
Expand VAR_$I = \$VAR_$I;

Notice escaping of $ signs that should be retained until second pass.

Setting and unsetting variables

Sets the variable NAME to empty string.


Sets the variable NAME to STRING. STRING can occupy multiple lines and is subject to variable expansion and command substitution.


Sets the variable NAME to STRING. STRING can occupy multiple lines. Neither variable expansion nor command substitution occurs in STRING.

$$unset NAME

Unsets the variable NAME.



Use NAME as the environment meta-variable. See the section Environment meta-variable, above.

-h or -?

Print a short command line summary and exit.


Pipe output to m4. If -s option is also given, pass it to m4 as well. See also -p.


Dry-run mode. Process the input files without producing any output. Report any errors. Useful together with the -u option to discover undefined variables.


Pipe output to COMMAND.


Retain references to undefined variables in output. By default, an undefined variable expands to an empty string. This option instructs xenv to reproduce the variable reference verbatim in the output. Naturally, this affects only $X and ${X} references.


Generate synchronization directives, i.e. lines of the form #line NUM "FILE", which mean that the following line originated at line NUM in file FILE.

Synchronization directives are emitted when variable or preprocessor directive expansion causes removal or insertion of one or more lines to the output. Each synchronization directive occupies a single line by itself. If a synchronization discrepancy occurs in the middle of an output line, emission of the synchronization directive is delayed until the next newline that does not occur in the middle of a quoted string (both single and double quotes are understood).


Sets maximum execution time for a command substitution.


Treat unset variables as an error.


Define environment variable NAME to the VALUE, or an empty string, if it is not given.


Undefine the environment variable NAME.


Print program version and exit.


Disable (if prefixed with no-) or enable specific xenv feature. Valid FEATURE names are:

Defines values that are considered booleans by $$iftrue and $$iffalse. Each T is registered as a boolean true, and each F as a boolean false.


Controls command expansion.


Controls ${* ... *} comments.


Controls the use of backslash as escape character.


Controls preprocessor directives: $$set, $$ifset and the like.


Controls the use of quote ($[ ... ]) constructs.


Enables minimal mode. Equivalent to: -Wno-command -Wno-comment -Wno-directive -Wno-quote -Wno-escape -e ENV


Enable debugging output.



Successful termination.


Usage error.


Reference to undefined variable encountered and the -u option is specified.


Source file does not exist.


Recursive inclusion has been prevented.


Internal program error. This probably indicates a bug. Please, report it.


System error: file cannot be opened, fork failed, etc.


Permission denied to open the source file.


The -r and -u options have no effect over command substitutions.


dbe(1), m4env(1).


Copyright © 2021-2022 Sergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

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